Tor Osmundsen
Founder and Board Member, Vice President
- 37 years in nuclear leadership and management positions in the US, and internationally
- He has certifications and licenses as a Professional Engineer in New York and Pennsylvania
- Was a Delegate ANSI TAG for PM ISO Standard
- Since 2008, at Westinghouse, retired in 2016.
- Was working as Director for Site Integration and Installation Support for construction of 2 W AP1000 Nuclear Power Plants in South Carolina, and 2 in Georgia
- At URS Washington Div., Government Services Engineering
- 2002-2005 Nuclear Waste Disposition, Savannah River Site
- 1999-2001 Nuclear Automation Projects in Westinghouse Research Lab
- 1989-1998 Nuclear and Environmental Dept., Savannah River Site
- 1986-1988 Steam Generator Replacement Project, DC Cook, Michigan
- 1980-1985 Nuclear Plant Construction KORI, PNPP (S. Korea and the Philippines)
- 1976-1980 Burns and Roe, Nuclear Construction
- and many more.